Important SCEC Endorsed Paper Shredders Update


This Information Takes Effect March 1, 2015

SCEC Endorsed Class A, Class B Paper & Optical Media Shredders, No Longer Exist and Have Been Withdrawn From The Security Equipment Catalogue 2011.

Please Refer to Page 9 on the SEEPL (December 16, 2014 Edition) for further clarification.

On or after March 1, 2015, Shredders that meet the Australian Governments Class A, Class B Paper & Optical Media requirements must:

  • Pass Independent testing by NATA in accordance with ASIO T4 Protective Security, Security Equipment Guide (SEG001.1), TEST PROCEDURES for Class A and B paper shredders (v1.0 06/09/2011).
  • Pass Independent testing at a Departmental level in accordance with ASIO T4 Protective Security, Security Equipment Guide (SEG001.1), TEST PROCEDURES for Class A and B paper shredders (v1.0 06/09/2011).
  • Be on the NSA/CSS Evaluated Products List.

ASIO-T4 provides protective security advice to Australian Government departments, can be found in the Security Equipment Evaluated Products List (SEEPL).

The SEEPL will be released in January 2015 and supersedes the SEC2011. The SEC2011 will be fully withdrawn on 1 March 2015.

For further information about the SEEPL including the SEEPL order form, please refer to the SCEC Website or email: